
Practice ends with pranayama and meditation:
Leaving us with an elevated energetic frequency and a revitalized connection to our innate ease and wellbeing. Asana sequences move breath energy right to the core, lower back and abdominals. Yoga is always:

“Reminding us of what matters most, what it is that we value in the moment.”

We laugh at ourselves, resting in appreciation
of our health and wellness.


When: Monday’s @ 10:45 -11:45am
Where: Ballard Health Club (Hybrid)
Yoga Strength Fusion

Vinyasa style yoga class that links movement and breath together, we weave in strength exercises using small hand weights or sometimes straps or bands. We focus on breathing, stability, balance and core. Yoga experience is helpful.

When: Thursday’s @ 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Where: Sunset Hill Park (May-September)

Yoga on the Bluff takes place outside at the gorgeous Sunset Hill Park located in Ballard.

When: Wednesday’s @ 8:45 -9:45am
Where: Seattle Tennis Club (Hybrid)
Strength Conditioning Yoga

Strength Conditioning Yoga as core-focused vinyasa, optional to add small hand weights for extra strength and toning.

Perception, Reflection, and Action

Art of Life Retreat August 2023 at Mount Madonna Center in Watsonville CA:

Please inquire if you are interested in more information about our weekly virtual prana-focused energy medicine yoga sessions.



Autumn Yoga Retreat at Suncadia

Save the Date: November 1-3 with Tracy Hodgeman


“Heather continues to be more than a yoga instructor, she is a guide for blending the metaphysical with the physical movement of her classes. Her guidance brings balance, reflection, and opportunity to move into new ways of being present. Thank you.”

“Heather has a way of encouraging without demanding it. I love that.
Her class is full of life and humor and always leaves me feeling really
good, with my eyes wide open.”

“Heather consistently brings fun and energetic yoga into our living room. She provides a helpful and a humorous narrative while encouraging us to work to our fullest!”

“Heather teaches a unique combination of Hatha yoga plus functional strength exercises that I find highly effective. Plus she has a great sense of humor. I laugh out loud at least once each class.”

“I appreciate Heather’s grace, strength, compassion and approach to yoga. Her approach truly fills my cup.”

“Full of energy, Heather always mixes in some really interesting poses. Always happy to be in her class.”